Saturday, November 27, 2010

Taking it to a whole-other-level

OK, so I haven't written in forever...maybe even never, because I have only been posting photos all those years.
The time has come for me to make a choice. Delete my blog from the cyber-ceramics world or take it up a notch and actually write interesting things about my work, creative process, inspirations and projects. I am going with option #2. Watch out, I am taking it up a notch! To start it off, I will be posting an article about my wood-kiln building travel experience in Japan in October 2010.


Stephen said...

I look forward to you updates and commentary.

Anonymous said...

I've saw some of your creations at Opaline Studio and I felt really connected with the style of your work. Thank you! :)

Rio Rancho Demolition Contractors said...

Loved reaading this thanks